Saturday, April 2, 2016

Aviation Organizations

There are many associations that involve the aviation industry all serving different purposes and having different missions. Two organizations that I plan to belong to are the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). I am currently involved with the IAM as the airline I work for is covered by this association as the covering union for customer service agents.
The AAAE was “founded in 1928, and is the world's largest professional organization for airport executives, representing thousands of airport management personnel at public-use commercial and general aviation airports. (About AAAE)” The AAAE has many different local branches throughout the country with the main branch located in Washington D.C. the AAAE also a Canadian chapter. According to their website the “AAAE serves its membership through results-oriented representation in Washington, D.C. and delivers a wide range of industry services and professional development opportunities including training, meetings and conferences, and a highly respected accreditation program. (About AAAE)” The AAAE advocates in Washington D.C. for may different things including how airports operate, new locations for airports, and security challenges facing airports today in the future.  The association also helps airports in the regulatory process and keeps all airports in mind when new legislation is proposed (Advocacy).
The IAM was founded in 1888 and represents many different industries. Within the different industries they represent different department. I am personally in the aerospace wing of the organization with is constantly growing (History of the IAM). Some of the main goals of the IAM according to their website are: “Cost-of-living raises so that wage rates rise with living costs, increased purchasing power to provide a higher standard of living, equal pay for equal work regardless of sex, race, or national origin, shorter work week with double time for voluntary overtime and portable pensions with optional early retirement benefits. (Goals of the IAM)” The IAM association advocates for different things in Washington D.C. and varies for each different work group. Looking at the activist section currently the IAM is fighting to make sure flight attendants get a good amount of rest.  Another current action they are advocating is to make it illegal to assault a customer service agent at U.S. airports (IAM activist center).
It is important to me belong to these organizations and really any organization to help support my career. Everybody knows that the aviation industry is all about who you know and what relationship you may have with them. Belonging to these organizations allow me network, and remain current with events and what is really going on in the industry. There are lots of things that organizations lobby for that people would never hear about on the news, so if you are not involved you will also not know. Professionally these organizations offer many different conferences, and events which can help me remain current. These organizations also have many resources to take advantage of like resume writing and simply job hunting. Therefore belonging to these types of organizations are very important and may even help you advance in your career.


GOIAM - Take Action. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Goals of the IAM - 21st Century Labor Union - IAMAW. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from

History of the IAM - 21st Century Labor Union - IAMAW. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from


  1. I agree with your standing that one of the benefits with being involved with these associations is the networking. Being able to meet influential figures in the industry can really help in furthering someone’s career. Additionally, it provides you the opportunity to be as knowledgeable and proficient in your trade as possible.

  2. Good research on IAM, looks like a very decent organization, they shows responsibility and cares toward airlines industry employees and bring awareness about very current issue that affects everyone. Also, i agree with you that joining an organization will able to build network and raise concern about current issues.
